Days left to submit the abstract
Submissions Deadlines
Opens : 24 October 2024
Closes : 31 March 2025
We are pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for International Leprosy Congress (ILC) 2025. The comittees invite the participants with an interest in the field of Leprosy to submit abstracts for review and selection for Oral and E-Poster Presentations.
We invite participants to submit an abstract of Research Project and Case Report in the field of Leprosy. Abstract has a total up to 400 words. Before submitting an abstract, please read the abstract guidelines carefully to make sure you meet all the requirements.
General Rules
- Participants with an interest in the field of leprosy are invited to submit abstracts for review and selection for Oral or E-Poster Presentations.
- Abstracts may consist of Research Abstracts (Research Project) or Case Reports in the field of leprosy that have not been previously presented at national or international meetings.
- The abstract must be based on ethical and valid scientific and/or clinical methods.
- Trade names (of drugs and/or equipment) should not be included in the title. If trade names are mentioned within the extended abstract, they should be written after the generic name in the following format: generic name (trade name®).
- Any treatment or substance mentioned in the material must be identified by its scientific name.
- The decision regarding oral or E-poster presentations is at the sole discretion of the committee. This decision is final and cannot be contested.
- Abstracts can be submitted without ILC registration as participants; however, accepted abstracts can only be presented in the conference program once the presenter has provided proof of registration/payment.
- Authors cannot make changes to the abstract once it has been submitted.
- Participants are allowed to submit up to three abstracts.
- Selected abstracts cannot be submitted to other scientific publication platforms for a period of 3 months following the announcement of the selected abstracts.
- It is not permitted to submit the related abstract to other scientific publication platforms until the conclusion of ILC 2025.
- Registration fees that have been paid are non-refundable and cannot be canceled.
Topics of Interest
- Epidemiology and Control
- Diagnostic / Laboratory Aspects
- Clinical Aspects
- Therapeutics and Drug-Resistance Surveillance
- Disability and Rehabilitation
- Chemoprophylaxis
- Vaccines
- Stigma
- Socioeconomic Aspects
- Digital Technology in Leprosy
- Others
Guidelines for Abstract
- Abstracts must be submitted in English. A “blind” selection process will be used.
- The title should not be written entirely in capital letters.
- The size of abstract has a total up to 400 words.
- The submission program will automatically calculate the size of your abstract and will not allow submissions that do not fit in the size requirements.
- Use generic names. The use of commercial drug names, brands and registered trademarks are strictly prohibited. Drugs should be referred to by the active substance or pharmacological designation.
- No mention of pharmaceutical company names should be included in the abstract.
The evaluation of the abstract (whether accepted as an e-poster, oral presentation, or rejected) will be based on several criteria, including:
- Is the content interesting, informative, novel or important?
- Are the methods valid, the results relevant and the conclusions justified by the data?
- Is the text written according to proper English grammar and syntactic style?