

Dear colleagues,

The 22nd International Leprosy Congress (ILC) will be held in Bali, Indonesia! Join us through an enlightening symposium and dry workshop.
The congress uphold the theme: "Towards a World with Zero Leprosy"

The International Leprosy Congress (ILC) is an international scientific meeting held to advance the research, treatment, and understanding of leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease. Organized periodically, the ILC brings together health professionals, researchers, policymakers, and representatives from affected communities worldwide to discuss the latest developments in the field of leprosy elimination and control.

The congress fosters collaboration on:

  • Leprosy prevalence updates and elimination strategies
  • Innovations in diagnosis, treatment, including Multidrug Therapy (MDT)
  • Addressing stigma and rehabilitation

Key features include scientific presentations, workshops, and exhibitions showcasing new medical technologies.

For more information, please download the following document.

Download General Invitation Letter

Applying for a visa

We recommend applying for a visa as early as possible, as the application process can be time consuming. Before applying for your visa, please check the latest information on entry regulations for the Indonesia.

Visa regulations depend on your nationality and country of origin. You are strongly advised to find out if you need a visa to enter the Indonesia as early as possible, and should a visa be required, to apply as soon as possible.

Further information about visa regulations can be found on The Official Website of the Immigration of the Republic of Indonesia

More Information

Registration Fee

Price List Ticket ILC - Google Drive
Price List Ticket ILC : Sheet1

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