Dear Friends And Colleagues, Leprosy Stakeholders, Industry Stakeholders, People Affected Etc.
The WHO Global Leprosy Strategy 2021-2030 considers ‘zero infection and disease’ as one of the long-term goals. Leprosy had been global challenge causing preventable disabilities in the world that is vurnerable to climate change issues. Eventually, late findings and treatment of leprosy are leading to visible and functional impairment. However, Interruption of transmission and elimination of disease are the core of the strategy to contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals.
A year after its last presence in India, the 22nd International Leprosy Congress will be held in Bali, Indonesia. One of the most beautiful islands in Indonesia. Supported by all the international dermatological societies, who take turns to host the event, the ILC is the event on the international dermatology calendar not to be missed. The ILC was jointly organized by the Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (INSDV), PERDOSKI, Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR) Indonesia and National Leprosy Control Program Ministry of Health Government of Indonesia under the auspices of the International Leprosy Association (ILA).
Our theme “Towards A World With Zero Leprosy”. as it aims how to enhance the evidence into the clinical care in leprosy early diagnosis and therapeutics in global era and prepare to face the new perspective of dermatology practice. The extended focus is
expected to attract a large number of opinion leaders and medical practitioners, regionally as well as globally from the most affected endemic caountries. Regional subspecialty focus groups comprising key opinion leaders will also be using the opportunity to convene for discussion.
We therefore take great pleasure in inviting you to participate in 22nd International Leprosy Congress as a valued sponsor or exhibitor.The academic program of dermatology and venereology conference provides great opportunity to share knowledge and new perspective in dermatology practice. The cultural and social program will also be interesting and enjoyable. We believe that this event will provide an excellent platform for you to interact with and showcase your value proposition to the local and regional dermatologists and medical practitioners, and reinforce your commitment to the development and progress of dermatology in the region.